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Clear PVC Roll 8 Inch x .080 300 feet - Standard
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8" wide x .080" x 300 ft. long
Standard clear
PVC material Bulk Roll


HomeStrip DoorsBulk PVC

.080 material is ideal for 7 foot high walk through openings. It can also be used for interior openings up to 9 feet high using a full-lap. .080 is not recommended for fork-lift traffic.

Standard Compound
Physical property data for pvc strip material

Property Standard Units Standard Description
Light Transmittance ASTM D 1003 % 85 Visible light rate transmitted through the Strip material
Shore A Hardness EN ISO 868 Sh A 80 Index based on a flat indenter's penetration depth. Scale from 0 (Soft) to 100 (Hard)
Tearing Resistance DIN 53515 N/mm 50 Minimum tensile stress required to tear a pre-splt sample
Tensile strength at break ASTM D 638EN ISO 527 N/mm² 16 Maximum tensile stress that a material can be subjected to before break
Elongation at break % 340 Elongation of the specimen at the break point under tensile stress
Residual Elongation(After break) % 68 Permanent elongation of the specimen measured after rupture in a tensile test
Thermal conductivity ASTM C 177 W/m.K 0.16 Ability to conduct heat. The lower it is, the more insulation
Cold Bend Brittle Temp. ISO 8570 °C -35 Temperature at which the specimen break under torsion stress. Brittle point (CLASH & BERG)
Min usage temp EN1876 °C -15 Temperature range where material keep its mechanical properties (flexibility)
Max usage temp °C (+50)
Vicat softening temp. EN ISO 306 °C 50 Temperature at which the specimen is penetrated to a depth of 1mm by a 1kg flat indenter of 1 sq. mm
Specific heat capacity ISO 11357 KJ/Kg.K 1.6 Heat energy required to increase the temperature of one kilogram of the material by one degre celsius
Sound Reduction DIN 52210 dB >35 Average sound level (freq 0.1 to 3.2 kHz) decreased by a 1.76 sq.m. and 5 mm thick PVC curtain
Reaction to fire EN 1598 Class - Standard classification of material self-extinguishing and resistance to combustion
EN 13501-1:2007 Class - Standard classification of material self-extinguishing and resistance to combustion
UV/IR filter EN 1598 &ISO 25980 - - Ability to filter welding rays allowing the use of this material as welding protection screen
UV resistance ISO4892 - Yes Ability to resist to UV (sun, welding arc)
Surface Resistivity ASTM D257 .1010Ω/? 30 Material surface resistivity measured with a 100 V direct voltage
Water absorption EN ISO 62 % -.0.2 Material mass variation after exposure to humid conditions (<0 if released / >0 if absorbed)
Anti-insect - - No Special ability to keep insects away (Food processing plants, tropical regions)
Density ASTM D 792 g/cm³ 1.22 Mass per unit volume

Data is based on current knowledge of products concerned.
This information is given to customers in good faith to inform and help in search, this does not constitute any formal implicit guarantee as to its use.

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Electric trailer restraint
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Electric Trailer Restraint
More than 38,000 lbs. of Restraining Force
9" - 30" Operating Range

Pit leveler brush seal
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Pit Leveler Seal Brush Seal Kit
7' mechanically fastened sections with 1.5" brush
Aluminum Hardware
Seals all sides

molded 2 hole DB-13 Bumper
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DB-13 Molded Dock Bumper
4" Thick x 10"High x 13" Long

Molded Bumper Model R
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4" Thick x 12"High x 13" Long
Type R Bumper
Edge of dock leveler bumper
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Loading Dock Equipment
October 31, 2019

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