Assembled Strip DoorsStrip Doors
Transparent Strip Doors are used in doorways to effectively cut energy costs, allow for all kinds of traffic, and promote safety. A series of flexible plastic strips permit rapid unrestricted passage, yet isolates noise, fumes, and loss of conditioned air. Our strip doors are designed to be balanced for a professional appearance. We've taken all the guess work out for you! All doors come with galvanize universal steel hardware which can be used for either face of wall mount, or under jamb mount. Ask our sales representative about rolling mount and stand out mount. Strip doors are available with your choice of
ESTIMATED LEAD TIMES OF 1 to 3 DAYS! Get a Quote Today! |
Price Charts of assembled strip doors are shown for specific opening sizes, strip widths, types of material, and overlaps. If the size you are looking for is not listed or you are seeking additional information please call 1-800-741-1258 or email us at sales@loadingdocksupply.com.
To find our list price on assembled strip doors use the chart below. Find your door height on the left side, and connect it with the material type and lap style of your choice. Multiply the number in the box by your doors width and you can see our price. Orders over $500.00 could qualify for discounts. Note: There is no price difference for lintel or above the jamb mount; however, it must be specified at time of order. Example: 8' wide x 10' high door using 12" standard .120" thickness material, with 2/3 overlap 8 (width of door) x 64 (figure from chart) or 8x64 = $512.00
Mounting applications:
Face of Wall Mount: Applications requiring the door to be mounted above the opening are cut standard to 3" overlap on either side of the opening. The seal is further enhanced by ensuring the strips at either end of the opening are concave towards the wall. This creates the strongest possible seal on either end of the door ensuring function of the design. Lintel/Jamb Mount: Applications requiring the door to be mounted within the jamb will be cut to the width of the door as specified by the customer. Strips on either end of the door will face the same direction ensuring uniformity of the doors appearance. Note: Strips for assembled models will come in lengths greater than the door height to ensure a proper fit once trimmed. This is necessary due to the variance in floor slopes and strip length adjustments after acclimation. Strip Overlap: Personnel – Strip doors with human or animal traffic should utilize smaller strips with a smaller overlap (33%-67%), typically 6” or 8” are optimal for this purpose. Keep in mind smaller strips give less wind resistance, cannot be used on high doorways, and will not hold up well in heavy motorized traffic. Pallet Trucks – Traffic including personnel, pallet trucks, and hand trucks normally indicates a higher level of expected traffic. Keep in mind when considering pallet trucks are pulled by personnel, so larger strips become a hindrance at this level unless the door height is above what is recommendable for 8” doors. If a door has these types of traffic consider an 8” material with 25% or 50% overlap. Forklift Traffic – Forklift traffic generally involves heavier traffic with higher levels of abuse. When designing a door involving this type of traffic wider ribbed strips are considered optimal due to their ability to deflect wear from the majority of the strip surface; providing longevity to the strips clarity. When considering wider heavier strips keep in mind heavier strips may cause light loads to be displaced or knocked off of the load; in this case consider 8” strips when applicable. Reducing overlaps can also be used to overcome this encumbrance. Consider 8" ribbed material with 50% to 100% overlap or 12" ribbed material with 25% to 50% overlap. |
We have A professional standing by to send you a quote Mon-Fri 8 am to 7 pm EST. Please call 1-800-741-1258.