Mechanical Pit leveler Model C
C Series Pit Leveler Specifications
Mechanical Pit Leveler Price
Mechanical Pit Leveler FeaturesDurability
Warranty A 1-year warranty on structural members. A 1-year warranty is provided on mechanical and miscellaneous parts (including materials, labor, and freight). Mechanical Pit Leveler Architectural Specification“C” Series Mechanical Pit Leveler A. Manufacturer
B. Product Characteristics: Dock Levelers 1. Product: Fully mechanical dock leveler – Model C____________ 4. Construction: 4.1 The platform shall be ¼” thick, 55,000 lb. minimum yield steel tread plate. Platform support shall be formed sheet metal welded at front of leveler to full width header plate. 5. Operation: 5.1 Conveniently located pull chain release provides easy activation of deck and lip. 6. Characteristics: 6.1 Positive hold down device to allow up and down float when servicing truck. 7. Weather seal: Brush type (meets FDA requirements) weather seals optional. 8. Bumpers: Two per dock leveler. Pit Leveler Pan Form