Durasoft Dock BumpersModel PricingSpecificationsDimensionsMore BumpersFreight Quote Maximum dock and truck protection available The dura soft bumpers looped design allows for the highest impact rating at 85% Eliminates wear from up and down movement The dura soft's floating steel face plate virtually eliminates the wear and tear a traditional bumpers receive from the up and down movement of air ride and traditional trailers. Impervious to weather damage Powder coated angles and tough fabric reinforced rubber plies are guaranteed to hold up to extended sun, rain, snow, and ice exposure. Quality materials and construction mean no need to tighten bolts or repaint for the life of the bumper All bumpers are guaranteed for up to 5 years Cost effective Need help finding a Dock Bumper? Durasoft Dock Bumper SpecificationsUses/Applications
Durasoft Dock Bumper PriceDura-Soft Bumper Model # Chart
Durasoft Dock Bumper Dimensions